Fall 2024 Semester Class Information:

Fall 2024 Class Grid

Fall 2024 Class Descriptions


Winter Class planning is currently underway. Check back in early November for the Winter Class Grid and Descriptions.

*Winter 2025 Registration will take place on Tuesday, November 12, 2024.

*Winter Registration Day Schedule:

8:30am Teachers may register before classes.

9:00-11:00am Current members may register at this time.

10:00am New & Former members may arrive at this time for an orientation meeting, followed by registration for membership and classes.

*Any rosters that extend into a waitlist still require payment to hold the student’s place. Every effort will be made to enable waitlist students to take the class. If circumstances prevent the waitlist from being added to the class, checks will be returned.

Returning members only need to review the online form already on file from Fall Semester and pay the Winter Semester registration fee of $40.

New members or members who have taken a semester off will need to complete the online Registration Contract & Participation Release Form and provide a check for the registration fee of $40. (There is a $40 registration fee for each semester.)